Harvest Time turned our daughter's life around back in 1993 & 1994. It took a while after school but it's wonderful to have our Daughter back! Thanks Again!
-Mom of a Former Student

This ministry is building a foundation of our Lord and it's amazing that they give each girl the ability to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. When my daughter first went to HTM, she did not have a strong background of God and Jesus nor did I. BUT we believed! It is truly a gift of knowledge about God that she has been given. I would do it all over again especially with what I know now and I have witnessed first hand.
-Mother of a Former Student

Our relationship with the ministry began at a time of desperation. That is where our daughters' road to restoration began. Were there struggles along the way? Yes, but God was working in her day by day. The Lord of Lords is at work at HTM, I’ve seen it firsthand.
-Mother of a Former Student

Thank you is not enough! We so appreciate all that you do not only to help our granddaughter but the other young ladies as well. We know that God is truly in the midst of this ministry.It can be seen in the girls and the way you all interact. Please know that our thoughts, prayers, and appreciation are with each on of you. We will be singing your praises to everyone that may need your help, thanks again and again. Our prayers are with you all.
-Loving Grandmother

Through God's guidance, the tireless work of the Harvest Time, and A LOT of prayer our daughter recently graduated as a totally transformed young woman. All the destructive behavior she had exhibited prior to HTM is under control and she is now on a path to being a faithful, productive member of society.
The greatest benefit of the program is it gave us our daughter back and now we are a FAMILY again! Thank you to Rev Shawn & HTM, who work so hard to bring the Lord as the guiding light in our daughters' lives.
-Father of a Former Student

When we made the decision to take our daughter to this ministry, we know the Lord drew us there. From the minute I clicked on their website, a peace came over me. It is worth the work she had to do. We would do it all over again!