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Admission Process


The steps required for admitting a student


  1. Call our office with any questions you might have.

  2. Fill out the application in it's entirety, complete with a recent photograph.  Send the completed application back as soon as possible.

  3. Have all blood work and immunizations completed and sent .

  4. Set up and interviews with Rev Shawn and with the financial department.

  5. Once the application process is complete, we will set up a date for your entry.

  6. The speed of the admission process depends on you.  We will move as quickly as you and your situation allow.

Tuition and Fees


Harvest Time Ministries, Inc. is supported by churches, individuals, and other ministries through monthly donations and special offerings. This enables us to keep our fees far below those of similar Christian women's ministries and residential programs. If you need help with tuition, there may be options available. NO ONE WILL EVER BE TURNED AWAY DUE TO A LACK OF FINANCES. Any and all financial assistance is subject to availability and decided on a case by case basis. If funds are available, scholarships are given to those who can establish a valid need for assistance. To receive an application for admission, please see our admissions inquiry page. To speak to a staff member for more information, call 334-798-1066.




Application Fee  $25

Monthly Tuition is determined on an individual, case-by-case basis. Please call to discuss monthly tuition with an intake staff member.






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